


Você já sonhou com uma carreira no KGB? Jogue como um zelador morando no coração de um estado totalitário e experimente a URSS espionando e entregando seus inquilinos traidores. Investigue seus apartamentos, roube objetos, instale câmeras e escolha entre tornar-se um patriota fervoroso ou abandonar tudo para defender a liberdade!

  • Beholder
  • Beholder
  • Beholder
  • Beholder
  • Beholder
  • Age12


  • DesktopMobileTabletSmartTv


  • Solo


  • KeyboardRemoteTouchPartialGamepad


Editora: Alawar Entertainment

Desenvolvedor: Warm Lamp Games

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Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

Mais jogos desta distribuidora

Beholder - Blissful Sleep
Beholder 2
Distrust: Polar Survival
Do Not Feed The Monkeys
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Incredible Dracula: Chasing Love
MOAI 2: Path to Another World
Rescue Team 5
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Action
Wall World
Weather Lord: Legendary Hero!

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Caso você tenha perdido algo

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  • Preciso fazer download dos jogos?

  • Que jogos posso jogar com minha assinatura?

  • O que acontece com meus salvamentos?

  • Qual controlador funciona com o Blacknut?

  • O que é um Pass?

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  • Como faço para cancelar?

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